On 11 June 1921, Austria recognised the Republic of Estonia de jure

A hundred years ago today, Austria recognised the Republic of Estonia de jure, which laid the basis for formal diplomatic contacts.

Today we invite you to join us in celebrating the friendship between Austria and Estonia and our people by eating a nice Wiener schnitzel and taking a sip of Estonian kvass!

The bilateral relations of Estonia and Austria are excellent and the countries enjoy extensive cooperation that covers politics, economy, education and culture. We also share an understanding of common values and contributing to the digital and green transformation. There is a lot Austria and Estonia can learn from each other in these fields and by pooling our knowledge and strength, we can come up with smart solutions for the digital and green transformation for ourselves and others.

Did you know…?

–              The first honorary consul of Estonia in Vienna was Estonian-born engineer Erich Georg Voldemar Andresen, who was appointed in 1921 and remained                  in office until August 1940.

–              The first Austrian Envoy Nikolaus Post presented his credentials to the Head of State of the Republic of Estonia on 14 July 1924.

–              Before the Second World War, Austrian envoys to Estonia resided in Warsaw and Estonian envoys to Austria resided in Berlin and Rome.

–              Teaching Estonian at the Finno-Ugrian Institute of the University of Vienna began as early as 1978 and has continued to this day.

–              The family of the Federal President of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen hails from Estonia.


The timeline of relations between Estonia and Austria in Estonian and German:
